Work Area
The Work Area is where you add and define new interfaces, tasks, steps, connections; edit existing ones; add notes and perform various management tasks.
The Work Area
The columns in the workspace area table can be sorted, either by ascending order or by descending order.
To sort listed records:
Select the relevant column header in the Workspace Area table header.
An ascending arrow appears .
The data in the table is sorted by the ascending/descending order of the selected column.
Note: To sort the data in descending order, click the column header again.
The Toolbar options depend on the selection you made in the Navigation Pane. For more information about various commands, see Common Toolbar commands . Unique commands will be documented in the relevant sections.
To group listed records:
This action allows you to group current content by specific features, based on the current column headers. You will receive a sorted table where all the instances are grouped by the selected common feature. For example, to sort the interfaces by interval, you need to drag the column header to the ribbon above.
Then, the groups will be based on the interval defined for your interfaces. See the following illustration:
Grouping Content